Liver Detox Loose Leaf Tea | Organic Herbal Blend - Foxy Tea®

Liver Detox Loose Leaf Tea


Cleanse your liver naturally with our special blended tea.

Caffeine Free

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Liver Detox Loose Leaf Tea: Natural Cleansing for Optimal Liver Health

Cleanse your liver naturally with our Liver Detox Loose Leaf Tea. This specially blended tea helps maintain your liver’s health by improving detox function, boosting metabolism, increasing energy, reducing bloating, and improving skin complexion. It also supports better blood pressure and cholesterol levels for overall wellness.

Powerful Ingredients for Liver Detox and Support

Nettle Leaf: A Gentle Diuretic for Liver Detox

With its natural diuretic properties, nettle leaf aids in detoxifying the body and safeguarding the liver against damage caused by heavy metals, toxins, and inflammation.

Dandelion Root: A Natural Detoxifier for Liver Health

Dandelion root helps cleanse the body while supporting immunity and detoxifying the gallbladder, which is essential for optimal liver function and digestive health.

Turmeric: Enhancing Liver Function and Reducing Inflammation

Turmeric is widely recognized for its liver-protective qualities, helping reduce inflammation and supporting detoxification. The curcumin compound plays a key role in reducing liver stress and promoting overall wellness.

Additional Benefits of Liver Detox Loose Leaf Tea Ingredients

Ginger: Boosting Digestion and Supporting Detox

Ginger, known for its antioxidant properties, helps reduce inflammation, assists in the body’s detox process, and alleviates nausea and digestive discomfort during liver cleansing.

Peppermint Leaf: A Natural Remedy for Liver Health

Peppermint is renowned for its detoxifying effects on the liver, while providing digestive and antioxidant support, making it an essential addition to any detox regimen.

Burdock Root: Purifying the Liver and Blood

Burdock root stimulates bile production, purifies the blood, and supports liver cleansing, contributing to better liver health and improved skin conditions.

Complement Your Liver Detox with a Healthy Lifestyle

In addition to drinking Liver Detox Loose Leaf Tea, these lifestyle changes can help support your liver:

  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
  • Limit alcohol and processed food intake.
  • Regular exercise and good hygiene practices can also support liver function.

For additional tips, check out our Healthy Living Blog.

*Some side-effects include nausea, muscle aches, headaches, and heavy periods in women. Please speak with a medical professional before using. (*Red Clover).

Flavor Profile:



1 tbsp
8 oz
175-185 F˚
7-10 min


Organic Peppermint
Nettle Leaf
Burdock Root
Dandelion Root
Organic Turmeric
Red Clover
Licorice Root
Lemon Peel

Caffeine Free
Origin: USA

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Mini Pouch, Tube, Large Pouch, Tin


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